Thursday, July 16, 2009

Is there any

Hi, Today has been a very bad day! Everything I put my hand in falls apart, my marriage, my schooling, my family, and anything else you could think of. As sad as it sounds the only thing I have left is ebay, ebay is the only thing i can try to find joy in. i am just still starting and getting things about my ebay business worked out but i strive to sell as much as i can , get as much positive feedback as i can and i really want to be a power seller, so anyway... There are so many bad story's you hear about from other sellers That I thought it was time to start a post of all the good story's and things that happen on ebay. Maybe this is to just make me feel better about my own stuff, maybe this will show that there is still good out there, i don't know , but please if anyone has any good/happy storys about ebay please post them so everyone can share the joy as well....Thanks all and have a good day! Brock

Orignal From: Is there any

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