Monday, July 20, 2009

Kicked out??? How do I build a business when suspended??

Just got a nice littel email from eBay this morning telling me my sellers priviledges have been suspended and all of my listings have been yanked. No reason why, no particular incident, no issues they bring up. I guess my name got randomly picked from the "suspended with no reason" hat today... No warning, no "hey shape up or you will be suspended" emails. Al of my star ratings are above the required 4.3 even after fighting with some stupid French woman over a bra.... I do good business, communicate and treat my customers well.(unless they are trying to blackmail me with neg fb or claims, etc.) I have had enough with eBay and it's policies and the CRAZY fees they charge. I have officially moved my business to WEBSTORE.COM They do not charge crazy fees, no listing fees, you can use google checkout and paypal, and process the payments yourself if you have the ability. The listing format is easy to set up and I am quite pleased with the way the site works. When you sign up, tell them DRDUCTTAPE sent you in the referral box. My aim is to get as many of my fellow sellers to head over to this site and leave eBay in the dust. This is a FREE MARKET ECONOMY and we have the right to take our business wherever we want. I feel so free now that I am out of eBay!! I encourage you to do the same, make the move, stick it to "the man". Ebay, you can take your fees, policies and stars and stick em.... you know where.... T-

Orignal From: Kicked out??? How do I build a business when suspended??

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