Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ebay Powerseller question

Hello all, my name is David and I'm a jeweler dealing in new and 2nd hand goods. I sell new engagement rings and wedding bands as well as dealing with secondary market goods. I have a question about Ebay's Powersellers. I saw a couple jewelers who are Powersellers, however when I looked at their stores, I could hardly find anything at all that was sold (can we see items that have been sold??) or even bid on. the ones that were bid on looked like they were nowhere close to what any dealer would need, you know, like $57 for a 1 carat diamond. I do like how one jeweler who was a Powerseller had his store centered around "Buy Now or Best Offer". But I saw no offers on any items, yet he was a Powerseller! Am I not looking closely enough? Is there information I can't see? I am encouraged to start my own store but I need to learn how best to suit it to sales. thanks for listening and I appreciate any feedback. David

Orignal From: Ebay Powerseller question

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