Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Should I bother to sell again?

I was ill for quite some time and stopped selling on ebay. Now that I am feeling better, I'm thinking of giving it a try again, this time on a more serious basis; i.e., I really need the money. In the past, I've not concentrated on selling any one particular type of item, just whatever fell into my hands. Upon looking at the boards, I'm getting a little squeamish. I seem to see a lot more bad than good going on. To you active sellers out there, I ask, "Is it worth the trouble?" And, OT, what's with store sellers putting enormous BIN prices on items? For example, a doll is listed for sale. Upon looking at completed sales, I see it usually sells for about $10. Yet a store owner has an identical doll, in the same condition, listed at $399! What's the deal? Thanks for any input you may have. "Nervous Nellie"

Orignal From: Should I bother to sell again?

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