Monday, August 31, 2009

Help! What Should I do?!

Alright, I've got a problem. On August 20th, I one of my products sold. Anyways, for five days straight, I e-mailed the person asking how and when they would be paying. Finally, on the Monday the 27th, they e-mailed me back saying they would pay by Friday. So, I said, "Ok, sounds good. However, if you do not complete the payment by Friday I will have to file an item not paid dispute and leave you negative feedback." Then, today he just e-mailed me back with this, "Send me the negative feedback, i don't care. you need to be more patient with a cheap transaction of 25.00, that's not a transaction of 10,000.00 and then I'm not going to pay the item because I don't accept bad treats from nobody. Thanks." ... Just because it wasn't something very expensive, doesn't mean that I don't expect payment in a timely manner! I don't think that I treated him harsh whatsoever. I was always firm, but polite. I don't know what to do. I just filed an item not paid. But, I don't really want to leave him negative feedback because I don't want any negative on my account. Any suggestions? Anybody ever have an experience like this?

Orignal From: Help! What Should I do?!

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