Saturday, August 29, 2009

Choice listings

I keep coming across a seller when I am researching/shopping who lists all their items with a choice listing. Stating that after the purchase they will be sent a link to choose the size. This is against ebay policy, so I regularly turn in this seller when I come across the listings. After this going on for weeks I wrote to ebay asking why this particular seller continues to get away with this when I have to list each size individually. This was the response I got.... "As you know we constantly review and update our policies to improve the eBay marketplace. Currently, eBay's Choice policy does not permit listings that offer a choice of items; however, we are in the process of reviewing this policy to determine whether the enforcement approach is in the best interest of the eBay marketplace and community. In order to create enhancements that will improve both the buying and selling experience under this policy, only the *most egregious* violations of this policy may be removed from eBay during this review period. Sincerely, Suza C. Office of the President"I'm curious to hear some of your thoughts on this. Attitude Apparel because you are what you wear!Attitude Apparel because you are what you wear!

Orignal From: Choice listings

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