Monday, August 31, 2009

How To Put~ Store Description~Into Your Store

Since many people have asked other store owners to check their sites I thought I would write about this one common mistake. Many are not using their Store Description to it's best advantage. These are the words that are used in search to pull up what makes your store special. If you don't have imitation items say that, if you are unique in your field write that. Think like a buyer when writing your description, what words would you use to search for your items? This is the sequence to put your store description in: First: Check to make sure you have the correct setting for logo being on the top left for the input of this description,(make sure you don't have it set to go the whole length!) Check under Theme Display (2nd section under Store Design)go to Change to another Theme and make sure you are using the first selection Classic Left go to 1. Manage my Store 2. click on Store Design 2. click on Display Settings 3. in line 4 Store Description 4. click change (top right) 5. under Basic information you can add your description here. This should be description not just a series of words to attract people to your store that would be considered spamming. I just thought since I've suggested people check this area that I'd share that here. Best of luck in your stores, and if I've made a mistake jump in and fix ego here! Cathy

Orignal From: How To Put~ Store Description~Into Your Store

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