Saturday, August 29, 2009

A couple more silly store questions

Hello, All, You were all such help to me last night in getting my store set up, I figured I'd come to you for some help with getting my listings going. I'm using Auctiva, and there are 2 things I'm wondering. 1) If I have 3, or say, 50 of the same item, can I do one listing with 50, or do I have to do a store listing with quantity 1, and then relist every time it sells? I'd like to do a multiple item listing, list quantity as 25 or so, so that I don't have to relist every time, but when I try that I get a flag on Auctiva's check for errors. Is there a way to do it? 2) My second question is, how do I differentiate which listings go to which category in my store? Is that something that I define when listing, or do I have to go back and sort it out after the listings are up? Again, thank you all so much for your help!! Peace, Tom

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