Monday, August 31, 2009

False Completed Sale Reported Pricing

This posting DOES NOT apply to Buy-It-Now, Fixed Price or single bid auctions. I have been weighing whether or not to sell items on eBay regularly. Some friends do sell all the time. Like everyone else, I started some research for eBay winning bid pricings on various products just to get some idea what I could sell and what the general sales prices might be. This would be while looking at possible suppliers and costs. When performing completed sale searches, I noticed two issues. First, it takes several hours for completed sales to show up in the search, i.e. it can take 6 to 12 hours after close of an auction for that auction to show up in a completed sale search. Second and very strange. When performing completed sales search on eBay, I noticed discrepancies on reported closing or winning bid amounts. The general completed sale search page stated one final price. But when the actual auction page was viewed, the final sale price was higher. The discrepancies were sometimes 25 to 50% higher for the actual final price. This discrepancy did not occur for B-I-N, Fixed or single bid auctions. It only happened for multiple bid auctions. Of course, I did not check each and every multiple bid auction

Orignal From: False Completed Sale Reported Pricing

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