Saturday, August 29, 2009

I sold multi items but buyer only paid for part of the items

Hello, I sold 3 items to the same buyer. Buyer combined the invoice for 2 of the items themselves and paid before I had time to get the correct combined invoice sent. They did not add the 3rd item to the invoice they paid. They over paid on the shipping but not enough to pay for the 3rd item. When I realized they had a 3rd item that was not paid for I emailed them and asked if they would like to combine it with the other 2, as it could go in the box for no additional shipping charge. I stated that I would hold shipment until I heard from them. 2 days later after no response to the first email. I sent a invoice on the 3rd item without shipping and asked if they would like to combine it with the 2 items already paid for. over 24 hours later they replied. "Yes send it with the other", but still did not pay for the 3rd item. I replied back that I would ship as soon as the 3rd item was paid for. That was 2 days ago. Nothing. No response. Now what do I do? Just send the 2 items paid for and file an unpaid item? File the unpaid item first? Just throw the 3rd item in the box and ship and not worry about it. Excess postage will pay for most of the item. But will still loose about $3. I plan to refund the extra postage after shipment. Anyone else have this problem before? Thanks Everyone. Cheryl

Orignal From: I sold multi items but buyer only paid for part of the items

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