Saturday, August 29, 2009

Getting Started???????

Hi Everyone- I've been reading alot. I feel like my eyes are ready to pop out but I guess that's a good thing. I've been reading and reading and reading. I've been looking at the different options of listing an item. I was wondering if there a link or a guide that's a little more helpful at setting up shop. I am aware that it's better to start off small and allow the business to grow and go from there. It's questions such as is it better to do a sole propietor or LLC? I know it's a process, read, learn, start listing items, etc...Is there anything a little more helpful??? Just curious? My intention isn't ask the same redundant questions to annoy of you? Just looking for a little help to point me in the right direction so I can read some more yippee... thanks for your time

Orignal From: Getting Started???????

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