Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Integrating my merchant account to accept credit cards is a horror show!

I have never seen such a show before in my life! I want to use my merchant account with Flagship Merchant Services to accept Visa and Mastercard as payments, and ebay is playing games with me. First, they told me that the information I faxed them was not acceptable. When I called them they stated that they had tried to call me to verify additional information, and no one answered the phone. I never saw any missed calls, numbers on my caller ID and no voicemail. Then they told mr that the contact number I provided for my merchant account was disconnected. I called customer support at ebay, and with the rep on the phone, we called thenumber that they had that I provided them for the merchant account, and guess what? They answered! What gives here? I am thinking that they are discouraging me in an effort to force me to sign up for Paypal so they can make more money from me. This is not happening because of a few good reasons: 1. I have heard and read about alot of problems people have had with Paypal. 2. They are not FDIC Insured 3. They have complete control of your account and can close it and hijack your money for up to 6 months. 4. They are by far the most expensive merchant credit card processing company in the world. I could go on and on. Has anyone ever experienced this before? To me this seems like a bit of a scam.

Orignal From: Integrating my merchant account to accept credit cards is a horror show!

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