Thursday, August 6, 2009

Accounting Help Please!!

Hi I've been in business for almost two years and since I read information on Ebay main Street about taxes, the IRS and how Paypal is going to start reporting the payments you receive through Paypal to the IRS in 2012, I'm afraid of losing my business because I thought my business was small. It's not zoned as an official business in my town or anything. This was just supposed to be a part-time thing for me to earn some cash. Now, I use a dropshipper and I have NO idea how to even start to do daily accounting, reconciling between ebay's sales, subtracting shipping, ebay fees, paypal fees, and the total amount charged from the dropshipper, not to mention that sometimes the dropshipper doesn't give my my invoices on the same day so it's almost impossible to do accounting that matches up day by day and I have NO idea where to start or how to do this all by myself... All these new government rules are starting to really scare me and I HAVE to start doing accounting... Anyone having the same issues, dealing with the dropshipper, ebay's monthly invoices for fees, and such that makes it a challenge to reconcile your books?

Orignal From: Accounting Help Please!!

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