Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Your own brand?

Have any of you started your "own" brand? We're planning a section called "Abella Boutique Baby" or "Abella Baby"...with handmade baby items. Abella is our last name (from Cuba), so it's not like French froo froo high dollar as I've seen attached to "Bella and Abella". Anyone tried to start with their own brand, and if so, what thoughts, ideas, etc have you tried? Will be also bringing the new idea to the off ebay stores we're in..main street and bonanzle, and maybe another.... Getting more items made, found some new for resale items to embellish, etc, and working on redoing some things in the ebay store to show the name. Also...for models...use your own kids...or use hangers/mannequins/whatever is available?

Orignal From: Your own brand?

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