Sunday, August 2, 2009


Why I will not Sell on Ebay as a Merchant No More As a Merchant, I refuse to sell another thing through EBAY. As many of you know about Ebay, and myself have shopped on there for years and also sold things, and merchandise on Ebay. Recently Ebay has changed a lot of their policies and believe me they are not in favor of the seller. THEY DO NOT EVEN HAVE A PHONE NUMBER YOU CAN CALL AT EBAY WHEN YOU HAVE PROBLEMS. They can AT WILL decided to hold your money for 21 days with no interest... (THIS IS RANDOM AND WHEN EVER THEY FEEL LIKE IT) As a Merchant I have tons of 100% Positive Feedback from everyone who has made purchases from me. And when you email Ebay, about problems all they do is COPY AND PASTE a standard answer that usually has NOTHING to do with you. BOTTOM LINE IS EBAY DOES NOT CARE. SO I as a Merchant WILL NEVER SELL ON EBAY AGAIN.... NOT LIKE THEY CARE... I Have NEVER SEEN A Company SO Disrespectful to Sellers who make them money. SO FOR ME I SAY NO MORE EBAY for ME... You can make your own choices... but I would Suggest NOT selling on Ebay. Have a Great Year Peace Larry Rust Owen Avenue Productions

Orignal From: Why I will NO LONGER SELL on EBAY

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