Wednesday, August 12, 2009

what happened? went from standard to html?

I have searched and posted and I can't seem to figure it out and usually I can I have been listing for several weeks and have used the standard format, now all the sudden I can't. Everytime I try to list an item I get it all in html format. I have emptied my cache/tempfile/deleted cookies but the listing page still shows up as html not the usual standard format I thought well maybe I had been at it to long and was looking over the standard button link but it is not anywhere on the page There is nowhere on the page to convert back to standard format. Also in the area to pictures, it has a box to enter my url address no link for photos. I tried several times and sometimes I will get a page that has the option to upload photos but when I click to add photos there is no browse button only the upload button. What the heck is going on?

Orignal From: what happened? went from standard to html?

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