Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Traffic WAYYYY Down - Sales holding Steady - How About you?

The following is based on the Omniture Traffic Reports included for free with my Basic Store subscription and accessible on the "My eBay" page. I've noticed that for August the traffic to my listings is WAY down. It used to be that on a Sunday when I had 50 auction/store combined listings I'd regularly get over 200 "views" on my items. Even in July traffic was over 150/Sunday. This past Sunday, when I had 133 combined auction/store items open, 62 auctions end, and a Coach Purse end my total traffic for the day was 50. My items sold is down, but thanks to the coach purse this week the $$$ count is good. I have not made any notable changes to my product line or key word usage. Aside from Auctiva's revamping their Google Base feeds this past weekend (they do my picture hosting) have there been any other changes that I'm not aware of? Has anyone else noticed a similar drop in traffic (not sales)? I would really appreciate if we can start a conversation on traffic patters to try to resolve this. Thanks! Sandi Like New Suits

Orignal From: Traffic WAYYYY Down - Sales holding Steady - How About you?

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