Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New Template critique

Prior to making any major change, we like to get a fair amount of opinions and feedback from both our great customers, and other fine business people. We are about to roll out a new template for our listings. I would appreciate any feedback that you kind folks would care to give us on this new template, as well as our terms and descriptions. Here's a mock-up of the new template design: Link For comparison, here's a recent listing (same item): 200367585671 Summary of changes: - We made our Discounted Priority Shipping, and combined shipping discounts more visually front-facing, and more easily noticeable. - We're sometimes asked about our measurements, so we added a front-facing link near those measurements to better explain how we measure. - Reduced the payment time-frame from 7 days to 3 days, even though we won't enforce this until the automated UPI process is introduced. We wanted to make this front-facing now, so that our great customers become used to it, even though 99% of them pay within 24 hours. Current policy: 7 days to pay, we file on day 8. New policy: 3 days to pay, we file on day 4. - Changed combined shipping wording from purchases made "within 7 days" to "at the same time." We will still honor combined purchases within 7 days until after the Holidays. However we are moving toward more Fixed Price listings, and want to encourage shopping at that time. After the holidays, our (non-stated) policy will change to within 3 days, to be in line with our payment policy. - Use of the PayPal logo (approved) rather than text. - Other minor wording and cosmetic changes. I would appreciate any feedback that you care to share. Thanks in advance! -- friends Director,

Orignal From: New Template critique

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