Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Late Paying Buyer

I have a repeat customer who is always late in her payments. Every time I send an email reminding her to pay for her item so that I can ship it out to her, she explains that she was on vacation. Both times the item was a BIN not an auction item where she had to wait for the auction to end, so she could have really paid immediately. I have been patient; however, after three attempts to contact buyer, she did pay but responded saying my email was 'roughly worded.' I simply asked if maybe there was a problem she was dealing with. I did explain that if i didn't here from her within 48 hours, I would have to file an unpaid item report. The item was sold on 7/23 - sent invoice at that time, sent second email on 7/24 gentle reminder, send third email on 7/28 pm. I looked back on my correspondence with her and she doesn't pay me unless she receives an email from me, and both of her excuses were that she was 'on vacation.' Anyone's view-point would be appreciated. Thanks, Shirley

Orignal From: Late Paying Buyer

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