Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I will never be a power seller

September of year before last I sold over $800. I thought, "Wow, I only have120 items listed, if I list 600 items I should make over $2,000 a month." Actually I was hoping for $3,000 a month. I do between $400 and $700 a month. Most month I am closer to the $400. I will say that except for wholesaling and direct retail sales, Ebay is the only venue that makes me money. I have a prostre and advertise it in a magazine for a total monthly cost of $70, and I only sell about 20 to 40 dollars a month there. I have reduced my 30/day fixed listings by 40 listings which will save me $14 a month. I will be listing 5 items in my store for every 1 item I list in 30 day/35 cents in an attempt to keep costs down. I make a good profit on the things I sell. Perhaps I demand too much per item, but I do sell consistently every month. Unless I figure out a new niche to add to my ebay selling, I am quite confident that I will never be a power seller.

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