Friday, September 2, 2011

First Class Mail With Delivery Confirmation, Too!

The easiest way to send letter sized envelopes with Delivery Confirmation is to send them as a First-Class Parcel. Justinsert somelight-weight corrogated cardboard in side and Write DO NOT BEND on the outside. As long as the envelope is more than 1/4 inch thick and rigid, it can be sent as as a First-Class Parcel with Delivery Confirmation. At the time of this posting, it would only cost $1.31 (including Delivery Confirmation) to mail a 1-ounce envelope when printing shipping labels from your geputer - $1.78 when purchased over the counter. And it only costs an extra $0.17 for each additional ounce, up to 13 ounces. Oftentimes, the postal retail clerk will offer to have it mailed Priority Mail, but this is not needed.

YouCAN mail small items and envelopes as a first-class parcel with delivery confirmation and save yourself some money on postage.Some people will tell you that you can only use delivery confirmation with Priority Mail, when shippingas First Class.Section 103 "Physical Standards for Parcels", of the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), does not provide for any special minimum dimensions for non-machinable parcels. So, as long as your first-class parcels meet the minimum dimensions for mailability, outlined in section 601.2 of the Domestic Mail Manual (All mailpieces must be at least 0.007 inch thick, and all mailpieces - except keys and identification devices - that are 1/4 inch thick or less must be at least 3-1/2 inches high and at least 5 inches long) they can be mailed as a first-class parcel. Rates for parcels start at $1.13 for the first ounce, and an additional $0.17 for each additional once. Media Mail costs $2.14 for up to one pound. So, for items 5 ounce or less, it costs less money to send them first-class parcel, than for Media Mail. Parcel Post starts at $4.38.
If the retail clerk is unaware of this, just ask the clerk to look it up in their manual. If you feel that you are still getting the run-around while trying to mail an envelope with Delivery Confirmation, just insert a cotton ball (or similar material) inside the envelope so that the the thickness at the maximum point is more than 1/4 inch. Why? Because envelopes that are more than 1/4 inch thickness at their maximum point are considered 'flats' which start at $0.80 for the first ounce. Flats can be up to 3/4 inch in thickness. However, if a 'flat' has more than 1/4 inch difference between its minimum thickness and it's maximum thickness, it must be sent as a first-class parcel, which you can send with delivery confirmation! Ta-Da!
Seller who use online shipping labels, such as PayPal, have probably noticed that when sending items First Class with the low $0.18 Delivery Confirmation, that they are paying the slighty higher First Class Parcel rate. The system will not allow you to the option of First Class Letter Rate or First Class Large Letter Rate, becuase, these options do not permit Delivery Confirmation.
I use bubble envelopes when mailing small items. They have more than 1/4 inch difference between the minimum and maximum thichnesses, provide added protection, are large enough to attach an online shipping label, and tend to look a little more professional. Small bubble envelopes can be purchased in bulk for about $0.10 each - right here on okay.
Also, you can place a thick piece of lightweight corrugated cardboard in the envelope and write DO NOT BEND. This makes the envelope rigid and must be sent as First Class Parcel, which allows for delivery confirmation. Perhaps two pieces of corrugated cardboard, one on each side of the item - bank check, stamps, coin or medal, etc.
A note about MEDIA MAIL. Some sellers use Media Mail to ship their small items because they can get Delivery Confirmation with Media Mail. However, Media Mail is only for things such as books, CDs, etc (see my Media Mail guide). Media Mail is subject to postal inspection, which means that if the Post Office opens your package and finds anything other than media, they will charge your buyer Postage Due for difference - that's more than $2.00! And that will not go over too well . . . .
I hope that you have found this guide helpful.

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