Monday, September 26, 2011

Future of World Gold Prices

in the past month gold prices have climbed an amazing 65$ , from 450$ an Oz to 514$, all prospects show that the Asian demand shown by the Chinese and the Indians will make the precious metal climb even further, and with the Russians unable to meet the demand, things are beginning to look bad.
China and India announced that their gold tonnage should increase by a margin of 35% annually, this means that the 2006 Gold Panda coin release would be more abundant gepared to the 2005 issue, however this does not mean its price would be lower, with gold reaching astronomical values, this would mean more money paid for the new coin.
All prospects show today that the real value gold will end up 2005 would be at about 545$ with an anticipated climax during february at 600$
whether this sudden impact would last is still debatable, until then customers should buy their new 2005 coins today, as tomorrow might mean more money on the same coin !!!

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