Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Milking Machine Instructions for Family Cows

Cows like consistency. Milk at the same time each dayFollow the same routine each milking.

1 Wash your hands. Dirty hands spread disease
2 Wear Nitrile Milking Gloves to reduce the spread of mastitis causing germsfrom your hands. The small cracks and crevices in human hands harbor a lotof bacteria including contagious Staph Aureus.
3 Sanitize your milking machine with a chlorinated sanitizing solution justbefore you milk.
4 Bring the Cow into a calm stress free milking environment. Stress,such as loud noise inhibits milk let down.
5 Fore Strip. Hand milk 1 or 2 squirts from each teat onto the black screen ofa strip cup. Look for clots, clumps, blood, or signs of abnormal milk. Forestripping promotes milk letdown

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