Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Serama chickens

Serama chickens are a wonderful little chicken. They are a new breed and are still in development and there are alot of breeders out there that say they have the best. You need to do research if you want to get the best quality you can and breed the best quality you can. Some are claiming they have the best, but if you look at the photos they look like old english or japanese. Even the newly hatched chick should have the distict look of a serama. A good serama chick will have the little short back and the little tail tuft will be sticking right up right from thestart and will be obviously a serama.Be wary of claims of all A birds! Most people who claim all A class birds have not even weighed them! A good serama will have a verticle tail and wing, not in pose but just normal stance. Be wary of breeders that have their chickens tailpressed against a can, ora chicken standing on a can, these are most often birds only a few months old and in no way represents a mature size bird. A young serama can look pretty mature at only a few months old but is in no way their mature weight or size.

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