Monday, September 26, 2011

Lumber Measure - Inches to Board Foot

Measuring lumber whether it be for large planks or thin shorts can be a confusing and tedious venture if you are not fortunate enough to owna logrule. This guide follows a reference from the Lincoln Library of Essential Information that I have found very informative and very simple to use.
A board foot is a square foot of lumber one inch or less in thickness. Thus, 7/8 inch and 3/4 inch lumber is measured and priced the same as 1-inch lumber, but for thinner material, such as 1/2 inch and 3/8 inch stock, a reduced price is made. The number of feet, board measure, for 1 1/4 inch stock is 1 1/4 times that of an inch board.
To Find The Number Of Board Feet In A Piece Of Lumber 1 Inch Or Less:
Multiply the length in inches times the width in inches times the thickness in inchesand divide by 144.
So, if you have aboard that is 15 ft. long x 8 in. wide x7/8 in. thick:

(15 Feet x12 Inches) x 8 inx 7/8 in / 144
180 in. x 8 in x1 in /144 =10 board foot
If the board is 10 ft. long x 8 in. wide x 1 1/2 in. thick:

(15 ft. x 12 in.) x 8 in. x 1 1/2 in
180in. x 8 in. x 1 1/2 in. / 144 =15 board foot
I hope this little guide is helpful in calculating your lumber. If you have any questions or additional information, please contact me and I will be happy to answer and/or add the information to this site.
You can contact me through my okay Store: Country Wood Shop Plus.

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