Saturday, September 10, 2011

T-maxx upgrade guide

So you own a T-maxx and its time for some upgrades!!
This is the,"Where to start", and" what to avoid at first" guide.
There are many upgrades available for the T-maxx here on okay. The purpose of this guide is to help you upgrade, while at the same time, spending your money wisely.
Let's start with the basics:
This should be the first thing you upgrade. Unless you like buying new batteries every week! The t-maxx eats up batteries faster than it eats up the dirt. LOL!! We regemend getting a hump pack type receiver battery. You can even find one that will fit in the stock battery box. Also be sure to get some rechargeable batteries for the transmitter as well. This will cost more now, but you will save bundles in the long run.
With a monster like the T-maxx, your first investment should go into replacing the stock steering and throttle servos. The stock ones do well, but for the money you spend, you will see a world of difference with newer, high torque servos. We regemend Hitec servos. You will notice with a new steering servo that the response time and turning speed increases dramatically. With the throttle servo you will see better response time and better braking. Better braking is always a good thing especially when you have a tendency to hit walls, just kidding. LOL
For just bashing around in the backyard, I would stick with the stock shocks. They are inexpensive, and get the job done for a day of fun. You can also change out the shock oil to your preference. For better handling performance we regemend the Pro-line Powerstroke shock kit. They look great and the performance is top notch.
Now, to the stuff you should upgrade after abit oftime behind the remote. We don't see a need to upgrade this stuff until you have tamed your Maxx.
Motor and Exhaust Pipe:
There are a ton of options here, so do your research. See what other people are saying about it. If this is your first engine swap, we regemend you don't get something too wild. Find something that people say is easy to tune. Check the forums on the engine makers website if they have one.
Remote and receiver system:
We replaced our remotes with Spektrum DX3's. You can control more than one RC vehicle with the one remote, you just need an extra receiver. And you can make adjustments galore on this remote. Did I mention that it looks as good as it works. Not that that is a reason to buy it! The selling point is the fact that it doesn't use crystals. No more wondering if the guy next to you is on the same frequency. I've seen many RC vehicles get tore up because 2 people were on the same frequency.
I hope this guide helps you tame your upgrading frenzy, and helps you save some cash at the same time.Visit our storefor cool Maxx accessories.
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