Friday, September 2, 2011

How to change item locations on your listings~

This took me over 3 hours to figure out, so I hope this will help others quicker than myself.
I have just moved from one state to another. This was bad enough than I went back to work on okay and after listing 161 auctions I realized "OH NO! My item location did NOT change with my address change" Oh Crap! Now what do I do!
So I proceeded to go to the help area...(no help there). I clicked on everything there was to click on. Still no help. After 3 hours, I was not only mad but flustered too! Than my son came into my office and I explained what I was trying to do. We studied over information upon information. I finally wrote to customer support.
After I had written for help, That I so despertly needed. I had considdered taking all my listings off until I heard from Customer support. You are asking why huh? Well according to okay policy it is fraud to not have the correct information on not only your account but your listings. And your listings can be removed by okay should the information not be correct.
So My son

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