Friday, September 2, 2011

Fake Cardiology III Stethoscopes

It really bugs me when sellers title an auction with the express intention to fool the bidder into thinking they're getting something they're not. While searching for a Littman Cardiology III stethoscope for a friend, I noticed that there are a couple sellers on okay who title their auctions "Cardiology III", but the Buy It Now price is less than $30. Wowsers! Littman Cardiology III's are at least $130 in online stores! What a bargain, let me hit that Buy It Now button right now before some other guy hits on that auction and snatches it out from underme! NOT!!!In reading the description, you find that the stethoscope they're selling is "geparable" to the Littman Cardiology III. Yeah....ok....right.I own a Littman Cardiology III myself, and I can say for a fact that in this case, you get what you pay for. If all you will ever do is take the occasional blood pressure, then by all means, buy that $30 steth that's "geparable" to Littman's Cardiology III. Otherwise, steer clear and get the real thing.

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