Thursday, September 17, 2009

Payment Hold Contested and Won

Had an interesting situation I though I would pass along. Closed an auction yesterday for under $15.00 total. Buyer promptly paid and Paypal sent a note saying Ebay and Paypal were teaming together to make it safer for Buyers and Sellers and would occasionally put holds on itmes that met certain criteria. Being on Ebay for years now, I looked up the critera for "holding payments". I didn't fit even one of the requirements for this to happen. I wasn't new and under 6 months, it wasn't a high-priced item, my DSR's are high, no actions against me, and it wasn't a high-risk catagory. I e-mailed Paypal and asked them for the reason last night and first thing this morning (4am) the decision was reversed. If you have questions my fellow Ebayer's, just ask, you have nothing to lose. As I tell my children, you have to stand up for yourself because nobody else will. Happy Ebaying!

Orignal From: Payment Hold Contested and Won

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