Thursday, September 17, 2009

bought phonics game twice both times sellers did not check

contents. It is super annonying!!!! and making me rethink if I want to buy on ebay anymore. first seller wanted me to contact company see if I could get replacements I just don't have time or desire to hang on the line to do that so I ate that auction. I bid again same game and yet again the darn thing arrived missing three large parts of the game (advertised as new never used??????) . I'm waiting a reply. They said they do refunds but I have to pay shipping..... So it looks like I'm out over 70 dollars and I still have no game. I was able to combine the games and now i"m only missing one piece but it' s an essential piece. So much for saving money. Check what you sell ,you will get repeat customers and more people using ebay via. word of mouth. A few more auctions like these and I know I'd rather pay full price then try ebay.

Orignal From: bought phonics game twice both times sellers did not check

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