Monday, September 5, 2011

Original DIGITAL ART v. reproductions

This brief guide is all aboutfinding Original Digital Collages and Prints and REPRODUCTIONS of other forms of art.
An original digital print is made by the artist in digital media in order to make prints, either limited edition or monotypes.Each print is an original just as prints created through engraving, aquatint, drypoint, etching, silkscreen, or woodblock are all original. Digitalprints are generally printedusing thehighest quality giclee (iris) processes. Many artists create mixed medium,one- of -a -kind digital works as well as prints. These images may be transferred onto wood, metal, canvas or stone and the artist continues to work of the piece using any technique or mediums necessary to geplete the work.
Digital artistsutilize geputer programs such as Illustrator or PhotoShop. These programs contain wonderful tools for the artist; tools that are not that differentfrom those found in a traditional bricks-n-mortar studio (analog). Digitalartistshave mastered theuse of digital brushes of all kinds, shapes, and sizes. The digital"paint" is available on a digital palette.Digital pencils, erasers, scissors, and paste are also availableto the artist working in this digital world.
Artist- generated digital forms as well as scanned objects and photographic images can be incorporated into the works. These forms may be altered to create new forms. The digital artist is able to multiply, scale, make transparencies, paint, cut and paste untils/he is satisfied. The creative process is the same as with artists working a traditional studio setting.
Learn about GENUINE DIGITAL ART--and learn about buying prints BEFORE you make your first purchase.
CAVEAT EMPTOR:Often, PRINTSare sold as original when they are nothing more than photographically reproduced watercolors, oils, ordrawings. gemonly,the images are alsoprinted as high quality giclee (iris)orlaser prints. The unsuspecting buyer is fooled into thinking they are original because each "print" is numbered, signed, and dated by the artist.SCRUPLOUS sellers will let you know that the print they offer for saleis a reproduction of another form of art.
In addition, there are a number of so-called-artists who are filtering photographs in order to make them look like original watercolors and drawings. The watercolor and charcoalfilters are applied digitally and the resultant images are printed on high quality watercolorand drawing papers. These images are NOT ORIGINAL WORKS OF ART.
SO WHAT MAKES ME AN AUTHORITY? By birth and by night, I'm a painter who also creates mixed media collages and analog

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