Monday, September 5, 2011

Keep Your Gemstone Jewelry in Pristine Condition

Variety is the spice of gemstone jewelry delights! Settings, colors, and ensembles, must be kaleidoscopic to keep admiring heads turning. Boredom is the number one enemy of fashion. Besides, everyone deserves loads of daily pleasure in simply agonizing over what to wear from a vast and growing collection of gemstone jewelry.
You cannot wear a ring, bracelet, bracelet, or even cuff-links, just once and throw them away. Fashion is cyclical anyhow, and who knows when todays staid colors will begee talk of the town again? You cannot get best returns from your gemstone jewelry investments without knowing how to take care of the beads and their settings. It is fine to put off things for a day or two if you have suffered a tough day at work, or need to get over a draining party, but if the weather is moist or the air is dusty, then ever hour that your gemstone jewelry lies around neglected on a dresser, can take away some of its value forever.
It helps to keep in mind that your children can enjoy your gemstone jewelry selections even more than you might during your lifetime. Imagine the heirloom value in some distant future! Consider also how much precious stones and metals which you have inherited mean to you. Fortunately, gemstone jewelry pieces and sets need very little care, and small steps can keep them looking like new for generations. However, longevity is affected by cut, chemical treatment, and polishing, which means that cheap beads will not last as long as the best stones and genuine metals used as settings.
Gemstone jewelry ensembles are like people. They like to live and to await your pleasure in clean and dry surroundings, with a modicum of privacy at least. Abrasion, dust, and air laden with wet fungal spores are their worst enemies. Wrap each stone or necklace individually in soft tissue, so that it does not rub against any hard surface. Soft stones are especially vulnerable to scratches and other tiny imperfections if handled carelessly. Find a safe or a drawer which is airtight, for storage.
Gemstone jewelry maintenance has much to do with cultivating good habits. Take rings off when washing hands, not just to keep them safe from harsh soap, but away from sinks as well! It is not likely that gemstone jewelry aficionados will be in to heavy physical work, but it is worth remembering nevertheless to take everything off when working with tools, moving heavy objects, or doing anything else which can damage your beloved dress accessories. Chemicals in cosmetics can harm stones and affect the appearance of metals as well. Therefore, put on your gemstone jewelry only as a final act in dressing.
Do take your collection back to the person or the store from where or from whom you bought them, every year. Have them professionally cleaned, and carefully inspected for integrity of mountings. Beware of polishing tools which are promoted as do-it-yourself aids, for their correct use needs training and maintenance. You do not want your budding gemstone jewelry collection to be spoilt by an unfortunate experiment!

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