Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fake Rare Coins Beware Morgan

I have noticed on4 or 5 different E-bay auctions that are selling rare Morgan Silver Dollars And Trade Dollars [All seem to be from China or the United Kingdom] I have clicked on the feedback for all of these auctions and even though the auction is listed under a different name the feedback gees back as the same person also the same name is printed on the pictures of the coins They have posted and sold the same rare coins for about a month now One of these coins Is an 1888-CC Morgan silver Dollar which was never made They are flooding the market with these BEWARE I even saw the 1888-CC coin on a E-bay auction from N.Y.State . Watch out also for auctions with buyer and seller that are marked private--These people are making All Dates Fake not just rare ones!!! E-bay should stop this from happening Buyer Beware You cant cheat an honest man!!! July 15th I found more counterfiet coins this time listed in Youngstown, Ohio One of the coins was an 1887cc Morgan silver dollar no CC coin was minted that year Watch what you buy !!!

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