Friday, September 11, 2009

Has anyone else had customers send them gifts?

Yesterday I received a letter in the mail from one of my very good repeat customers. He LOVES puppets/puppetry, classic film and pop culture as much as I do. He usually buys up whatever stock of Kersa puppets that I have. I'm rambling because that's totally off the current subject...... He sent me an autographed poster addressed to me - katrina9799 - from Billie Hayes. Don't know who she is? Neither did I - until I googled her. She was witchie poo in the 1969 tv series HR pufnstuf and she played Mammy Yokum of the Lil Abner on the silverscreen. I LOVE HR pufnstuf and the Lil Abner characters! Now I will frame and hang that pix on my office wall! Then he sent a photo of a character Sam Beauregarde from Willie Wonka - a great film! Such a NICE person! The autographed pix of Billie Hayes cost him about $17.00 plus shipping to me...... Anyone else out there have any similar experiences? Kat www.classicpuppets.comKat katrina9799s household variety shop Vintage puppets are cool!

Orignal From: Has anyone else had customers send them gifts?

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