Friday, September 11, 2009

Ebay once again socks it to the sellers..

I am getting so darn sick of ebay. The newest (and I just saw it POP up whe I listed something) is with the shipping insurance starting week of Sept. 22nd. WE as sellers now CAN NOT offer insurance as an option. We either have to include it in our listing price (which will then cause the price to go up and then the fee to list the item to go up) or add it to the already high shipping price..oh and I love how they say we can not say in our listing that if insurance is not purchased we can not be help liable for items lost or damaged. WHAT!? Ebay..really. So we can not say this in our listing. WOW! Insane. Just not for the sellers anymore. Just for the money and the buyers cause their is NOOOO seller protection any longer on ebay. First they get rid of Neg. feedbacks that sellers can't leave to buyers that have wronged us and now this. wow. Think I will go to esty or other sites now cause this has been a bit to much to swallow. Ebay.. you SUX and you will see how many people think that and go else where.

Orignal From: Ebay once again socks it to the sellers..

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