Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hosting Pictures on Your Me Page and Listings

To post a picture on yourMe page, a discussion or chat board, or in a listings, you will need to host it somewhere on the web, no one else will have access to these pictures online except you. If you don't already have an image host, check out some of the online places that host your pictures for free, such as,, or Imageshack.
After you have registered and set up your photo album on one of these sites, you willl use their upload service to get your pictures from your geputer to the picture hosting web site you are using. I use Photobucket myself so will use that as an example here, but as you will find out there are quite a few different sites available to you for free. After you have a web host, you can add the picture to your Me page, the discussion or where ever you want to place it.
When using Photobucket, after you have uploaded the pictures you want to use, under the picture will be 3 different tags. Url, Tag, Img. All of these tags can be clicked on and copied. Right click on the one labeled Tag go up to the edit button on your geputer task bar and click on it for the drop down box. Click on copy. Go to the page you want to add the picture to and put the curser where you want to add the picture and go back up to your task bar and click on edit again for the drop down box and click on paste. This will put all of the information in that tag line on your Me page or your listings.
This what that long line is going to look like when you paste it:

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