Friday, September 2, 2011


------- PRESENTS ----------------
The kids who have been playing in the cabbage patch will need to be given a bath and their hair shampooed. I have bathed and cleaned the kids with this method:

For Cabbage Patch Dollsin good repair with a vinyl head and cloth body only:
Start this procedure witha Cabbage Patch Kid in good condition--mending any rips or tears.
Scrub the neck with a semi-soft brush if there is dirt embedded in the printed area at the back of the neck.
Use a laundry stain remover forhelp in removing any greasy spots on the fabric body. I use asimple orange product.
Scrub the face clean avoiding the eye area. You don't want to rub off the eyes with too much scrubbing or with your brush.
For long hair--place rubber bands tightly around the ends of the hair--for very long hair place bands every inch or so to secure it and keep it from snarling and tangling while being washed.
Place the doll in a large mesh lingerie bag and zip it closed. You can use a pillow case that is closed securely at the openingif you don't have a lingerie bag. You can usually bathe 2 dolls in each bag and upto 4 dolls at a time in the washing machine.
Place the doll in your washing machine with lukewarmor cold water and aliquid laundrydetergent. Washon thedelicateor short cycle of your machine.
Place the doll, stillin the bag,in your automatic dryer with a fabric softner sheet. Dry ona lowheat setting.
If not quite dry lay the dolls on a towel to finish drying.
Your Cabbage Patch dollshould now be clean and sweet smelling.

For de-tangling cornsilk(or Barbie) hair:
Place some hair conditioner on the hair and use a pet grooming slicker tool for gebing out any snarls or mats. Start at the ends and hold a small amount of the hair securely in one hand and geb with the other. Work from the end up to the head. You don't want to pull the hair out by the roots so be sure and hold the stands securely while gebing. I have found this works beautifully for any cornsilk, or Barbie hair. You can wash out the conditioner if you like but it is not necessary on a clean head of hair. It will dry beautifully and the hair will look like she just stepped out of the salon.
Your clean and sweet smelling Cabbage Patch doll should now be ready for play or auction or adoption intoa new family. I have just finished "bathing" 6 (make that 7, Borden Filmer just came in form the patch (shelf) and has been bathed) Cabbage Patch Dolls and they all came out sweet smelling and in beautiful condition and will soon be available for adoption...and love. ...the two pictured here have had their "bath" and are ready for a new adventure...................

Happy okaying from the Kids,

The kidswouldlove you to vote for them.
Thank you,

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