Be careful how your wording goes. There are those sincere buyers who understand when buying a used item, there are some risks involved. The used laptop may have one more scratches on the cover than the one mentioned by seller, or the power supply cord is twisted, or there is dust on the mouse pad. And so? Who cares, if it works fine and all described functions, software and accessories are there, what difference does it makes? I bided on a used laptop anyway and got it dirt-cheap for the value. That's how I feel about it and so do many other buyers at Ebay. But there is the one buyer that mess up a sellers feedback and try getting away with a partial refund claiming the item received was not as described, and no matter how careful you may be while describing your item for bid, it happens. And there are those idiots who buy just cause the price is low but don't know what they are buying. "THAT IS WHAT THE CONTACT BUYER EMAIL IS THERE FOR, PLEASE USE IT." Thank you!!!
Orignal From: Sellers Nightmare!!!
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